
Movement is a common theme in my life.  From two weeks old to when I reached eighteen and started college, I was part of a nomadic lifestyle that took me across multiple states in the United States.  The continuous flow of geographical locations enabled me to gain a sense of appreciation for my surroundings,  adapt to situations,  and learn about different traits people possess.

I began college in the fall of 1998 and Arizona permanently became home for me.  I made a last minute decision on my graduation night in 2003 to stay in Arizona and not move to Tennessee with my parents.  I was just…not…ready to come to grips with the fact that I was going to move back in with my parents after getting my degree in Aerospace Engineering.

With degree in hand, my first job out of college was driving rental cars from one dealership lot to another.  While contract labor was not what I envisioned when I walked off the podium with my engineering degree, the temporary jobs helped to pay the bills and did eventually land me at Honeywell.

When I officially began my career at Honeywell, I garnered career success with an approach of mastering a role and then moving on to the next challenge.   Mastering a role meant blending the need for knowledge while adapting to the needs of the role.  My approach was how I came to land my  roles at EcoSys, QAD, and Avnet and is how I have thrived at this point in my career.

Now as I inch closer to 40 years old and spent over a decade in project management, I am searching for the next challenge.  My drive to succeed has heightened with the arrival of my two sons.    I not only want to provide for my family and give them all that the world offers, I want to show my sons that ANYTHING is possible when they look at what I have achieved.